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Last used by Girls tennis: 2021

Last used by Boys tennis: 2022

New feature added!...(Summer 2021) If you have an Amazon Alexa device... Just say... Alexa.. open New York High School Tennis...

You can get the overall match scores for a particular day... or get the top singles or doubles players as ranked by the verified UTR rating.

I'm tweeting the overall match scores during the season...Follow me to see the scores...

Player Ranking
Minimum Matches Played on spot







Individual Sectional Division

The Stats are targeted to display in another window for printing. Make a selection above and the stat window will be created...

Qualification Rules:

Disclaimer - It is up to the coach to check the records for the player to determine qualification for sectionals. The web site logic is an attempt to interpret the rules, but may not cover all cases...

  • Qualification Record - This record is used to determine the win percentage for qualifying at that position. It is either an overall record OR league record (both must be inclusive of your league tournament).
  • League Record - This record must include all wins and losses the athlete plays in your league only (inclusive of the league tournament) at that position.
  • Overall Record - This record must include ALL matches the athlete plays in the league and non-league matches (inclusive of the league and invitational tournaments) at that position.
  • Compiled Record - This record must include every match played. This includes matches played not on spot and singles matches for a player entering the doubles draw in the Individual Sectional Tournament. The Entry Form must include this Compiled Record.
NOTE - Invitational Tournaments are considered Non-League and are counted in the overall record, but not counted in the league record.
  • For an individual to qualify they need to have the following Overall or League Record:
    • First Singles and Doubles - 50.0% and must play a minimum of 2 matches "on spot"
    • Second Singles and Doubles - 50.0% and must play a minimum of 2 matches "on spot" (or higher)
    • Third Singles and Doubles - 75.0% and must play a minimum of 3 matches "on spot" (or higher)

    First position must qualify for the second position to go. First and second singles or doubles must qualify for third to qualify for individual sectionals. (this aspect is not covered on the web site... the green font is only an indication of the qualification at the level being looked at... levels above are not taken into account)

  • If a player moved up a spot during the season and won the match, that win MAY count toward qualification. If a player moved up a spot and loses, that loss DOES NOT count towards qualification (and it still needs to be recorded on the Entry Form.)
  • If a player moved down a spot during the season and won the match, that win DOES NOT count towards qualification. If a player moved down a spot and loses, that loss DOES count towards qualification.
  • Any Preseason or Postseason tournaments played do NOT have to be counted in a player's qualification record, but must still be included in their overall record for purposes of seeding.
  • A player may play either in the singles draw OR the doubles draw in the Individual Sectional Tournament.

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